Friday 29 April 2011

40 Something-or-other

Eeeurgh, I'm still on track and everything, but I am getting so sick of this it's not even funny. When I decided to read comics for this assignment I thought to myself "AW YEAH, THIS IS GONNA ROCK. COMIC ARE SO GREAT!!!1!!!!one!!!" And at first, it was awesome. I found a cool series I'd never read before, read a couple rad mini-series', and revisited some old favourites. The problem is though, about 4-5 days ago I just stopped enjoying comics.

I think I know why, it's because when it comes to being a fangirl I'm like Tinkerbell. I can't handle fangirling over more than one thing at a time because I just get so into whatever it is that I don't have room in my mind for anything else. And alas, comic have been completely pushed out of my mind by better things and now I just can't wait for this to be over.

So this post started its life as a first draft Hellboy review/summary four days ago. I'm kind of regretting deleting it now though, seeing how this is basically a rant. This ain't Tumblr.


  1. ^ How I feel about almost everything!

  2. maybe you just need to find a comic so good now that it will push all the other stuff out of your mind.

  3. well, I think the blogging project is almost over. now you can be a happy singleminded tinkerbell.
